SG Child Safe Sport Commitment
Prime Gymnastics joins Singapore Gymnastics in keeping children and young people safe from abuse and neglect.
Coaches' Code of Conduct
For Coaches, Volunteer coaches and Officials
Health and Safety
Prime Gymnastics Club has a firm commitment to providing a safe environment for all gymnasts by:
Following the accident reporting process
Advising parents of any accident or injury
Taking all complaints or signs of injury seriously, no matter how minor, and immediately address
Providing gymnasts with suitable post-injury training programs that enable them to continue training
Ensuring gymnasts carry out suitable and effective warm ups and cool downs to help prepare for lessons and prevent injury
Ensuring that all activities are appropriate to age, ability and experience, and that gymnasts are suitably prepared physically and mentally for skills
Ensuring that gymnasts receive the appropriate level of support to assist them in skill development and prevent injury
Supervising all gymnasts under the coach’s charge during training
Ensuring that all gymnasts under the coach’s charge are collected by their respective caregivers at the end of the lesson and are not left alone unsupervised
Welfare and Development
Prime Gymnastics Club strives to provide consistently high standard coaching methods and we aim to support positive and effective coach-gymnast relationships that will help build motivation, development, overall well-being, self-confidence and love of the sport by:
Providing positive reinforcement and encouragement
Providing clear and concise instructions to gymnasts
Providing constructive criticism which will aid the gymnasts’ learning
Praising in public, constructive criticism individually
Encouraging gymnasts to be their best and to view success as striving for victory through commitment, effort and teamwork
Being fair, considerate and consistent in their coaching, and treating all gymnasts with equal attention and respect, regardless of ability level
Acknowledging that each gymnast is unique and that coaches must be flexible in how they approach situations and adjust their style accordingly
Communicating clear and reasonable expectations and behavioural guidelines to the gymnasts
Employees of Prime Gymnastics Club maintain a high level of professionalism by:
Displaying competence and demonstrating sound judgment and effective problem-solving skills
Acting with integrity
Being effective communicators
Being respectful to others
Being considerate, empathetic and courteous
Having a positive attitude
Being a team-player and working co-operatively with others
Following instructions and guidelines from Head Coaches, Coordinators
Showing commitment to their role as well as to the Club and gymnasts
Taking personal accountability for their role and actions
Being committed to their professional development
Creating an atmosphere conductive to learning
Always being reasonable in demands on gymnast time, energy and enthusiasm
Accepting decisions of all judges and officials as being fair and made to the best of their ability. Not raising issues of disagreement publicly
Showing good sportsmanship at all times
Not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at work
Not physically manhandling gymnasts
Not verbally abusing or degrading gymnasts
Gymnasts' Code of Conduct
As a member of Prime Gymnastics Club I agree to abide by the following Club rules:
I will show respect to all coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts
I will follow my coach’s instructions, asking questions if unclear
I will be committed to my training programme, as agreed with my coach
I will respect fellow Club members by providing support and encouragement
I will be a positive role model for other gymnasts and my Club
I will show good sportsmanship at all times
I will not use bad or inappropriate language
I will always try to approach training with a positive attitude, and be the best gymnast that I can be
I will be punctual to training and competitions
I will take care of and be respectful towards the Club’s equipment and facility, including my personal area
I will immediately tell my coach if I injure myself
I will wear suitable clothing for training and events as instructed by my coach or Club officials. I will keep long hair tied back (if necessary) and remove jewellery before the beginning of a session
I will set a good example and refrain from drinking fizzy drinks and eating unhealthy snacks immediately before or during training
I will not use the equipment without a coach’s permission
When attending competitons or events I will participate within the rules and respect other gymnasts, coaches, judges, officials and their decisions
I will always try to be mindful of the impact my words and actions can have on others. At Prime any form of bullying is unacceptable
I will always show awarness and respect for cultural and religious differences
Parents' Code of Conduct
Prime encourages parents to provide the necessary support:
Always encourage and praise your child’s efforts without ridiculing, criticizing or punishing mistakes
Be your child’s biggest fan and greatest supporter
Acknowledge the right of your child to develop to their potential in an environment that emphasizes personal growth, participation and enjoyment
Be a parent, not a coach
Encourage children to participate if they are interested, don’t force them
Focus on your child’s effort and perseverance, regardless of the outcome
Show respect and appreciation for all coaches, judges and administrators while encouraging your child to do the same
Share concerns, complaints or feedback through the approved channels (coach, coordinator, manager, president, committee)
Accept all decisions of judges and officials as being fair and made to the best of their ability. Do not raise issues of disagreement publicly
Demonstrate self-control at the gym and during competitions
Show respect and awareness for all cultural and religious differences
Ensure that your child arrives to class on time and is collected promptly at the end of their training session or make appropriate arrangements, including notifying the coach
Ensure the coach is informed of any issues which may effect your child’s training
Never enter the gym during training sessions without prior agreement from the coach or Club manager
Show consideration, respect and mindfulness when classes are in progress by not being disruptive to those classes
Be mindful any time taken to communicate with coaches during class time is unfair on the rest of the gymnasts from the same class. Be considerate and communicate before or after class, or during break time
Advise your child’s coach in advance of any holidays or other commitments that may affect their training
Pay all fees and associated costs promptly